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Building the ‘’eCF Alliance’’, to drive ICT professional

up-skilling and pick up of employability

22 June 2016

A European consortium composed of industry associations, social partners, Small-Medium sized Enterprises, public authorities, research centres, training institutions and certification bodies has joined forces to launch the “eCF Alliance”, the first EU Skills Alliance on ICT professionalism.

Funded by the European Commission, the eCF Council project aims to create a transnational partnership between the major players responsible for IT professionals’ enhancement, namely employers, professional associations, social partners, VET providers, higher education, research centres, regulatory bodies, and SMEs, across Europe. This, in response to the critical mismatch between ICT skills demand and offer that Europe is suffering both in terms of trainings and geographical distribution of the required competences against the positions available.


During three years, the eCF Council partnership will build the ‘’eCF Alliance’’, a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector whose goal is to foster ICT professionalism at the European and international level. It will be built upon concrete joint goals, tools and services for e-competence and IT occupation enhancement, and based on a common reference scheme for vocational qualifications and certification, compliant with the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) and the ESCO IT occupations, ensuring transparency and comparability.


The work of the eCF Council is organised in several work packages (WPs), each responsible for specific tasks and run by partners highly knowledgeable in the field.

For more information please contact: 

Francesca Falco, DIGITALEUROPE

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