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WP4: Where we are and what is next

 19 June 2018 

The partnership has completed the transposition of fifteen e-CF competences into Learning Units. The next step is the validation of a common procedure for finalising the ECVET point allocation to each e-competence at a given proficiency level.

The partnership has finally completed the transposition of fifteen e-CF competences into Learning Units. It translated them into a modular system of information and content that shows how to achieve a competence through a learning path, whatever its nature (formal or non-formal) and whenever it happens (in the past or in the future).


What is an ICT practitioner or manager expected to know, do and how to act once the competence is actually acquired? What are the learning outcomes (s)he must demonstrate whenever going through either the work experience or a specific training? What level of proficiency can (s)he actually claim? The Council has covered a representative set of competences within the e-CF standard, including all the five areas in which competences are organised (plan, build, run, enable, manage). A special focus was given to the ‘planning’ competences. Due to their higher and higher impact, ICT Quality and ICT Security exploit both the enabling strategic components and the managerial implications.


The partnership has opened a debate on the ECVET system. What are the implications concerning the credit assignment to the e-CQP Learning Units? The discussion frames a potential Council credit transfer system, passing through a mutual acknowledgment of the approaches to design units and allocate ECVET points. The next step will be the validation of a common procedure for finalising the ECVET point allocation to each e-competence at a given proficiency level; then, the formalisation of the ECVET partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding that allows to set up the overall cooperation process and actually makes the credit transfer in place.


Overall, the Council has reached an important point in the development of a comprehensive and significant learning path, based on Learning Outcomes related to given e-CF competences. 


This output is one of the most valuable products of the project. It can provide VET institutions with a tangible guidance for developing their education programmes, and professionals and organisations with a practical benchmark for evaluating e-CF based competences in practice. However, active dissemination of the learning unit frame is essential to extend it to the whole e-CF competence set, and to ensure it will be widely used, improved and kept up-to-date. 


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